Do Crystals Work?
10 min read
Do Crystals Work?

Here at Energy Muse, people are always asking, 'Do crystals work?' While this is a valid question, it is also one of the most debated. Even though we and many others have personally experienced the healing benefits of different crystals, scientists say there is no hard proof showing that crystals have any tangible effects. But what we do know is that ancient civilizations have utilized crystals in a long list of ways, and not just for tools but also for everything from Cleopatra's blue eyeshadow made with Lapis Lazuli to Bloodstone amulets that warriors wore for protection during battle. And Shungite, one of the oldest stones in the mineral kingdom, has been on Earth since the beginning of time. 

As nature's beautiful and stunning jewelry box, crystals are composed of different types of minerals, depending on each type. Also called mineral quartz, Quartz crystal is made up of pure silicon dioxide. Belonging to the very large group of minerals known as silicates, silicon is composed of 46.6% oxygen and 27.7% silicon. It also covers 90% of the Earth's crust, making these two minerals the most common elements. Considering the scientific fact that the combination of these elements forms silicon dioxide, it's hard to believe that a major mineral component of the Earth's crust wouldn't have any scientific value.

Piezoelectric Crystals

When asking the question, 'do healing crystals work?' it is also important to consider the many uses of Quartz crystal in modern technology. In fact, this common crystal is used in electronics, timekeeping, information storage, laser devices, and more. The reason Quartz can be used in technology is due to its piezoelectric effect. When the molecules of Quartz are compressed or agitated, it generates an electrical charge. Conversely, when an electrical current is run through a piezoelectric crystal like Quartz, the stone slightly changes shape. This energetic force is what allows Quartz to be the essential element in many different applications.

The Invention of the Quartz Clock & Watch

In 1927, Warren Morrison and J.W. Horton of Bell Telephone Laboratories invented the world's first quartz clock. They used quartz crystal to regulate an electronic oscillator, which created a time signal with razor-sharp precision and accuracy. The same technology was later utilized by Tokyo inventors at Seiko, the company that introduced Astron in 1969, the world's first quartz wristwatch. 

More specifically, the piezoelectric energy of Quartz is able to regulate time with incredible precision thanks to the way their atoms repeat themselves over and over again in an even pattern. While Quartz crystals have distinctive qualities compared to other gemstones, their ability to program clocks and other electronics supports the theory that all crystals radiate the steady and reliable healing energy of the Earth. 

Other Uses of Quartz

Even now, we're learning that crystal technology is helping transform information and knowledge in new ways. Utilized in computer chips, Quartz can help us communicate through the transformation of energy, making it hard to question the ability of crystals to change energy in other ways. The basic question--Do crystals work--is now evolving into more complex questions on how they affect our thoughts and transform our lives on a subtle vibrational level.

The question, do healing crystals work, was also the focus of a lifelong study by Marcel Vogel, a famous scientist from IBM. The research started out simple enough. He watched crystals grow under a microscope. But then something very interesting happened. He noticed that the solidified crystal started to take the shape of whatever he was thinking about at the time. This curious phenomenon was the first scientific evidence that thoughts can be transformed into reality. In other words, the metaphysical action of the mind has the power to manifest itself into physical form.

Another example is Dr. Emoto's research on the effect of energy on water. In this study, facts were on his side, especially considering that the human body is made up of 70 to 80% silicon dioxide and water. On another interesting note, Quartz is also made up of silicon dioxide and water, giving this mineral a similar hexagonal geometry. Vogel found that there is a constant assembling and disassembling of bonds between the molecules, causing vibrations within the crystals and allowing their frequencies to mobilize the mental energy within it. 

Albert Einstein was also a firm believer in the existence of vibrations in all life, including sound and thoughts. He theorized that everything manifests in someone's life because it matches the vibrations of their thoughts.

When asked, do energy crystals work? I have a quick answer - they do for me. I feel happy when I look at their natural beauty and sparkle. Placing them all over my home is a constant reminder that I'm surrounded by the elegant and miraculous diversity of Mother Nature and how grateful I am every day to witness this amazing world. Crystals work in simple ways. When I hold them in my hands and breathe, it helps me feel grounded and secure. 

Wearing crystal jewelry is another easy (and elegant) way to have constant access to their grounding and protective energy. They are also known for blocking and absorbing the harmful effects of EMFs, which is why I place them next to my electronics like TVs, laptops, and smartphones. I also use crystals to enhance my daily healing practices such as yoga and meditation. Their grounding effects help me to focus and stabilize my mind, allowing me to open up to the healing benefits of my everyday therapeutic sessions. 

how do stones and crystals work

How Do Stones and Crystals Work?

The mineral kingdom is as vast and complex as life itself, which makes the art of crystal healing both simple and intricate. The healing power of crystals can be a useful tool for empowerment, balance, and enlightenment. But the most essential thing to remember when starting your crystal journey is the powerful effects of your own beliefs and mindset. If you truly feel that crystals will help you on an energetic and vibrational level, then yes, they certainly will work for you. 

But if your mind is saying the opposite, based on the fact that science has not proven the healing effects of crystals, they probably won't work. But what we do know is that Quartz has the ability to amplify and magnify our thoughts, which is why it is important to always be conscious that your thoughts are in a place that correlates with the true desires of your heart and soul.

Every crystal has its own unique healing properties and meanings, but the overarching message of all gemstones is a lesson in patience. It takes time for crystals to work. Think about it this way: If you go on a diet, you can't expect to get results after 2 or 3 days. It's the same with crystals. Crystal healing is a slow process, a journey that takes time and effort. Each day will be different, but that's a good thing because it makes life such an exciting adventure with surprises around every corner. We are all here on Earth to learn, grow, and evolve. So hold tight to your crystals and sit, breathe, connect and listen.

7 Healing Crystals for Beginners

With hundreds of different crystals in the mineral kingdom, and more being discovered every day, choosing the best crystal for your needs can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. An easy way to start your journey with crystals is to include these popular gemstones in your starter collection. Each one has a gentle energy associated with the seven different chakras in the body. Chakras are specific energy centers that extend from above the head all the way down to the bottom of the feet. 

We recommend connecting with each crystal by sitting quietly and holding the stone in your hand. Simply sit with its energy and notice how the crystal makes you feel as you breathe deeply, allowing its healing energy to flow through your body.

For a deeper all-over chakra cleanse, try a healing layout with the crystals listed below. You can do this by laying on a yoga mat in a quiet place, such as a designated healing sanctuary free of distractions. Place each crystal on the corresponding chakra or energy center and let the healing begin.

  1. Clear Quartz - With its gentle, purifying energy, Clear Quartz is an essential piece for any collection. It helps open and activate the crown chakra, the energy center that governs spiritual growth and our connection to a higher consciousness. For healing purposes, place a raw or tumbled Quartz on the top of your forehead and a Quartz point on the ground just above your head. Allow its energy to purify your mind, giving you clarity and a balanced spirit.
  2. Amethyst - Another popular crystal for both beginners and experts in crystal healing, Amethyst supports the third eye chakra, the energy center situated just above the eyebrows. This chakra supports intuition and self-realization, giving you access to the wisdom that already flows within you. As part of your chakra cleanse, place a raw or tumbled Amethyst stone in the middle of your forehead and feel its calming energy filling your spirit with peace and harmony.
  3. Angelite - Float on the wings of your personal guardian angels with the gentle, healing frequencies of Angelite, a throat chakra stone that encourages loving communication with yourself and others. During your healing session, place the Angelite stone just above the collarbone on the throat. Connect with its energy to help promote honest living and truthful self-expression.
  4. Rose Quartz - Love in all forms is the strongest medicine in the universe, and since Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love, it’s no surprise that it is also one of the most popular heart chakra stones. Place a Rose Quartz stone on your chest and feel a sense of warmth and compassion radiating out of you as your heart opens up to love of all kinds, including self-love, love for others, and love for the world. 
  5. Citrine - Linked with the solar plexus chakra, the energy center that governs courage and creativity, Citrine is a wonderful stone for manifesting all of your creative endeavors. For this healing layout, place a Citrine stone near the navel and access its energy to release your most honest and exciting ideas hidden deep within your soul. 
  6. Tiger's Eye - A power stone known for its healing properties that encourage focus and motivation, Tiger’s Eye has a powerful energy that works well in activating the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra is linked with creativity and empowerment, which makes Tiger’s Eye the perfect stone to include in your chakra cleanse. Place a stone over the lower abdomen and allow its energy to unblock your flow of passion and creativity. 
  7. Smoky Quartz - As the final step in this healing session, Smoky Quartz is an excellent stone for grounding and cleansing the root chakra. This energy center is connected with security and physical strength, so when you support this part of your body, you will feel safe and anchored to the Earth. Place a piece of tumbled Smoky Quartz or a healing point below your feet and connect with its grounding and stabilizing frequencies.

Another Way to Choose the Best Crystals

While these 7 popular crystals are great for any collection, using your intuition is another useful way to choose the best crystal for your needs. When shopping for crystals, notice which one stands out to you the most, without overthinking it. People often say that the crystal chooses you and not the other way around. This will especially ring true as you learn more about the different healing properties and meanings of each crystal. 

For intuition-based crystal shopping, we recommend taking our Crystal Test, which features a range of different gemstones and detailed information on their unique healing properties and physical characteristics.

3 Tips for Getting the Best Results

  • Cleanse and activate your crystals - Crystals are constantly soaking up the energy around them and radiating outward, which is why it is essential to keep their frequencies cleansed and activated. An easy way to do this is by using cleansing tools like sage and Palo Santo. You can also place your crystals on a Selenite charging plate, which also serves as an elegant minimalist display for your collection. Selenite is one of the most purifying and cleansing crystals in the mineral kingdom, so simply placing gemstones on or near this stone has powerful recharging effects. You can also harness the power of Mother Nature's daily and monthly cycles. On a bright, sunny day, place your crystals under the full sun for several hours to naturally activate and recharge their energy. During a full moon, set your crystals outside under a clear, starry night sky and allow your crystals to regenerate their frequencies with the powerful effects of natural moonlight. 
  • Set an intention - Just like the energy of Quartz has the ability to program a watch to keep perfect time, you can also set your crystal with a specific intention that resonates with your spiritual goals. One way to do this is by learning about the different healing properties and meanings of crystals, which will help you determine the best intentions for each piece in your collection. 
  • Work with crystals every day - Getting the most benefit from crystal healing takes time, effort, and daily practice. Just as life is exciting and wondrous in all of its nuances, so is the journey with crystal healing. Every day presents us with new challenges and surprising triumphs, which is why including crystals in our everyday wellness routine can help support and enrich our hearts and souls along the way.

How Long Does it Take to Work?

It's not uncommon to experience the endless chatter of the mind, the very thing that can block the frequencies of crystals and their healing effects. But if you learn how to train our mind through meditation, breathwork, and movement, especially with the additional help of crystals, you will be able to cultivate the patience you need to always choose the best thoughts that truly serve you and your spiritual growth. 

The universe is incredibly complex and wondrous, and there are many things that still remain a mystery, waiting to be discovered. In many ways, we humans are similar to science. Each and every one of us still have so much to learn as we continue to grow and evolve with the help and support of crystals and other healing modalities. 


Heather Askinosie
Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at

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DIY Crystal Bracelet Kit
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Four Forces of Aura Cleanse
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Ultimate Breakthrough Jewelry Bundle
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
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